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From Dream to Reality: Steps to Building Your Own Financial Advisory Practice

Establishing your own financial advisory practice can be the beginning of a new and rewarding chapter in your professional life. Opting to open an independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) firm can provide more flexibility and direct influence over your business growth.   However, the transition process from employee to firm owner is neither simple nor […]

How to Create a Financial Advisor Business Plan

According to CEG Worldwide, as many as 70% of top-earning advisors have formal business plans and marketing strategies. But some seasoned financial advisors skip over creating a business plan, as many see it as something only new entrepreneurs need.   While a well-written business plan doesn’t guarantee success, it certainly helps. With a business plan, […]

Optimizing the Transition Journey for Independent Financial Planners

independent financial planners

At Integrated Financial Group (IFG), we specialize in supporting independent financial planners on their journey towards independence. Although today’s increasingly diverse client base has made independence a real option for many entrepreneurs, like all new ventures, there are obstacles along the way to success.   In the following article, we share 5 key insights many […]

Choosing the Right 5-Year Plan for Financial Advisors

The financial planning landscape is in a state of flux, shifting towards inorganic growth through the absorption of smaller firms by larger entities and equal mergers. It’s what Bob Veres, editor and publisher of Inside Information and Financial Planning Magazine, refers to as the “Age of Consolidation”.   As a financial advisor, you may be […]

Advisor SEO Checklist: Optimizing Your Website & Getting More Traffic

Maximize your digital footprint with Integrated Financial Group’s “Advisor SEO Checklist: Optimizing Your Website & Getting More Traffic”. In the ever-evolving digital landscape, where your online visibility can make or break a business, it’s essential to ensure your website stands out from the competition. Financial advisors can no longer rely on traditional client acquisition strategies; […]

Keys to High Level Production by Don Patrick

Unlock the secret to high-level production with our FREE guide, “Keys to High-Level Production” by IFG’s founder, Don Patrick. This comprehensive resource delves into the crucial aspects that go beyond the realm of financial planning, embracing our roles as business owners. Download Now Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email

Client Discovery Pack

The Discovery “Fit” meeting is a crucial part of your onboarding process. It serves as a valuable opportunity to gather information and evaluate compatibility, ensuring a mutually beneficial partnership. Download Now Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email

8 Keys to High Level Production for Financial Advisors

When working as a financial advisor, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day tasks. However, anticipating and planning for the future of your practice is equally vital for sustainable progress. Read on to learn 8 keys to high-level production for operating and growing your practice.    1. Write a business plan:   A common […]

How to Navigate Client Segmentation for Financial Advisors

If you thought that playing favorites was just for the schoolyard, think again. We’re about to let you in on an open secret of the marketing world: client segmentation. It’s a bit like picking your favorite child (not that we’d ever do that!).    But it is all about recognizing that not all clients are […]