8 Keys to High Level Production for Financial Advisors

In this blog, we’ll go over 8 keys to high-level production, so that you can continue to develop your independent financial planning practice into a thriving business.


It’s easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day tasks of helping your clients in reaching their long-term financial goals. However, anticipating and planning for the future of your practice is equally, if not more, vital for enduring success.




1. Write a business plan:  

A common pitfall for financial planners is to narrow their focus solely on financial planning. Keep in mind that independence means you’re not only a financial advisor, but a business owner. Thus, it’s imperative to operate it in a business-like manner, complete with a formal, documented business plan.


In developing your plan you need to have a sustainable, competitive – uniqueness, and you need to have strategic goals and tactical steps.


To create your business plan, follow these steps:

  • Determine who you are and what you have to offer.
  • Write down your short and long-term goals.
  • Create a list of steps you need to accomplish your goals.
  • Make a complete list of all changes needed to accomplish your goals.
  • Set a Timetable.
  • Put the logic or rationale behind your assumptions into writing.
  • Develop a marketing plan.
  • Keep your business in plain view.

For a further breakdown of building a productive business plan (and more) written by our very own Don Patrick, download our white paper here:

2. Establish a Primary Niche:  

Imagine this – if you needed a heart transplant, you’d want the best heart surgeon, not a general doctor. The same goes for financial planning. Your clients and potential clients want to work with an expert.


If they’re planning for retirement, they’ll look for a retirement specialist, not someone who claims to specialize in retirement, divorce settlements, college funds, inheritance, and so on. They want someone who knows retirement planning inside out. In short, it’s better to be a master of one than a jack of all trades.



3. Develop a Unique Selling Proposition:  

To develop a unique selling proposition, firstly, understand what makes you different and why someone should do business with you. Start by identifying your competition and seek client feedback to discern perceived differences.


Then, emphasize your unique strengths – it could be credentials, experience, quality of work, or exceptional service. Don’t understate your distinctiveness! Finally, highlight your services and add-ons. Remember, most financial products have the same price tag, so differentiate through customer service and benefits like free financial check-up meetings, free calls for queries, free short financial plans, or even complimentary appointments with your professional network.



4. Create an Effective Marketing Plan:  

Develop a consistent, year-round marketing strategy to avoid irregular business influx. Start by targeting your marketing efforts and including a call to action in all your communications. Successful marketing strikes a balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning, with emotion often playing a more significant role in decision-making.


Broaden your tactics to reach a diverse audience and always emphasize addressing client concerns. Allocate 10%-20% of your gross revenue to marketing, which should be seen as an investment rather than a mere expense, and delegate tasks where possible. Lastly, position yourself as a specialist, akin to a financial doctor, to command trust and authority in your field.

5. Maintain a Contact Management System:  

Maintaining consistent communication with your clients is vital. To ensure this, categorize each client or prospect in your database. Devise a contact management system that keeps potential leads in view unless they are entirely unqualified. Remember, your client interaction should work like a factory: the first meeting is the raw material, the second stage is work in progress, and the final stage is the closing meeting.


Regular client servicing meetings should supplement these stages. Set clear goals and keep track of all types of appointments. Decide on the frequency of meetings with your clients and acknowledge the value of follow-up meetings, as they assist in mitigating buyer’s remorse, addressing problems early on, reducing long-term liability exposure, and providing opportunities for referrals and client education. Always schedule the next meeting at the end of each appointment and continuously market to your database.



6. Review a Client’s ‘Total Picture’:  

Start by examining five key areas at the initial client interview: Protection, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, Income Tax Planning, and Investments. Emphasize to your clients the importance of a three-step process: gathering data, analyzing it, and then making informed recommendations.


This process ensures you possess all necessary details to provide accurate advice. Remember, when meeting prospects, focus initially on addressing the top three problems they face. If they are unwilling to work on the weakest areas of their plan, your chances of successfully converting them into a client are slim.



7. Meet Regularly with Clients:  

Regular meetings with clients are pivotal in fostering a strong, trust-based relationship, allowing for a deeper understanding of their evolving needs and financial goals. This consistent interaction not only showcases your dedication and commitment to their financial wellbeing but also provides the opportunity to adjust financial plans as necessary, ensuring that they remain aligned with the client’s dynamic life circumstances.



8. Delegate When You Can:  

To maximize team efficiency, strategic task delegation is crucial. Let your staff handle administrative and operational tasks, such as filing, confirming appointments, managing customer service, and handling paperwork, freeing you to focus on client interactions. Maintain a weekly timesheet to track non-client-facing activities, and systematize operations for lower error rates. Hire for attitude and cultural fit alongside skills, and invest in proper training.

The Bottom Line

Navigating the path to high-level production goes beyond financial planning. As independent financial planners, we must embrace our role as business owners, focusing on creating a comprehensive business plan, honing our niche, developing a USP, implementing an effective marketing plan, maintaining a contact management system, reviewing clients’ total pictures, meeting regularly with clients, and delegating tasks efficiently.


With these keys, we can unlock the door to high productivity and growth, learning from the experiences of successful producers like Don Patrick. Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight, but with a strategic approach and consistent effort, it’s well within reach.


Integrated Financial Group extends a comprehensive portfolio of support, tools, and resources to independent financial advisors, empowering them to administer a successful client onboarding process. The provision of these resources, combined with a platform for continuous learning and development, allows advisors to customize their approach, ensuring that every client’s financial journey is met with unparalleled service and expertise. This strategic support system underscores the group’s commitment towards enhancing advisor capabilities and fostering successful, enduring client relationships. 


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