Keys to High Level Production by Don Patrick
Learn from million-dollar producers!
Unlock the secret to high-level production with our FREE guide, “Keys to High-Level Production” by IFG’s founder, Don Patrick. This comprehensive resource delves into the crucial aspects that go beyond the realm of financial planning, embracing our roles as business owners.
The guide shares the wisdom garnered from successful producers like Don Patrick, providing you with the tools to take on the path of high-level production. Remember, success may not come instantaneously, but with strategic planning and consistent effort, it is certainly within your grasp.
Learn applicable tips about the following:
- Write a Business Plan
- Establish a Primary Niche
- Develop a Unique Selling Proposition
- Create an Effective Marketing Plan
- Maintain a Contact Management System
- Review a Client’s ‘Total Picture’
- Meet Regularly with Clients
- Delegate When You Can